In modern society, a lot of items are categorized as belonging to boys or girls. While most boys are supposed to be handy with tools and participate in sports, women are always expected to know how to cook, do laundry, and clean the house.
People find it strange and humorous when boys or men perform tasks that are perceived as being the domain of women.
A mother from Michigan named Nicole Boulogne faced criticism when she posted pictures of her 7-year-old kid doing the dishes and cleaning the house. Many questioned her parenting, arguing that males shouldn’t help out around the house or perform other chores because it is the domain of women.
Nicole, a single mother of two, tries her best to teach her kids to be independent.
Although she takes care of everything around the house, she believes that teaching her kids to do things on their own will benefit them in the long run.
Her older child is capable of doing some basic housework, yard work, and cooking. She intends to teach her other child, who is still a toddler, how to do the same when he is older.
When asked why she taught her child to behave in this way, she gave the appropriate explanation.
“I teach my son how to cook and take care of the house. Why? Since only women perform housework. Because he might one day be a single man living alone who is capable of doing laundry and who doesn’t rely on delivery every night. He may want to wow a significant other with dinner one day, so he